uh,Uncle Karl!
stop getting better and better we all know you're great as it is!

check out this unbelievably fantastic Chanel Fashion pre-fall show Paris-Moscou. Karl Lagerfeld did his best doing the research on russian costume history and as russian i can tell ya....this is damn good!
the materials, the accessories, the patterns are just perfect! there's not even a single outfit there that i could tell " we have never had anything even close to this "
anyways, not that i'm a huge expert ....

i can't even express with words how much i love this interview with Curt Cobain. here you can actually understand what kind of a wonderfull man he was.
why all madly tallanted people are suicidale?

MK Olsen for "Interview" how AMAZING can one person be???!!
ну вот от нечего делать, хотя в понедельник экзамен, я сделала ЭТО! зачем, Вы меня спросите? ... понятия не имею! буду ли писать- не знаю, буду ли читать - конечно же буду.

so just because i had absolutely nothing to do except preparing for the exam on monday i made THIS. What for you may ask me....i have no idea. will i really be writing here-i don't know, will i be reading other blogs - of course i will!

quindi solo perche non avevo niente altro da fare --soltanto a prepararmi per un esame a lunedi, ho fatto questo blog! perche voi domandatemi....non lo so! non so ne anche se saro scrivere qualcosa qui o no....pero saro leggere gli altri blog per sicuro!

p.s scusate per il mio italiano maccheronico....

ciao ciao