
Everyone knows The Selby blog, right? And if you don't then check it out here , the idea of Todd Selby was to show houses and flats of different people famous in their creative field. It's not that you're going to have an excursion over George Clooney's house on Como, but you will be able see how some interesting individuals live, their shelters and little things that warm their hearts.

And of course everyone knows what Asos is....if not, check it out here I am sure, that online shopping buyers would more than just love it.

So two of this amazing companies( if i may call TheSelby this way) teamed up for one project- their first ever advertising campaign following the classic idea of photographing individuals in their own personal home, in this case, "Model's Own."

Interested?  take a look at Asos website....

pictured via Song Of style

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